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Image by Diana Polekhina

Parashiot - Weekly Bible Reading

Some time during and after the Babylonian exile in the the 6th century, the Torah (Old Testament) was divided into a weekly reading to ensure that the people of God knew His word.  We see evidence of this in the book of Nehemiah.   However, as followers of Yeshua (Jesus), we also ascribe to the readings of the Brit HaDasha (New Testament).  With permission, we have linked the Flame Foundation Parashiot which lists both the Torah readings and the New Testament readings. May the Word of the Lord be a blessing and in reading it may you grow in your love for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and for others that Adonai has placed in your life.   

❑ Week of 03/09/2025 to 03/15/2025

KI TISA when you elevate כי תשא

Exodus 30:11-34:35;

1 Kings 18:1-39;

2 Corinthians 3:1-18

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39

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